Hotel & Private Residence in Ordu, Turkey
Our new project private residence & 5 star hotel at the top of a mountain in Ordu Turkey is going to start in April 2015.
We are excited to start with our new project for a private clients in a village in Ordu Turkey. We visited the location at end of December and discussed the brief with the client.
The site is on a hill. The client owns this hill and have different plans to develop a private manson for hisself and on the top of the hill a 5* Luxury hotel with areas for woman and man separated for islamic people who with this reqiurements. With the new to built airport 10 km ahead from the site thisWe visited the location at end of December and discussed the brief with the client.
The client wants to have his private area for his guests with his own house and guesthouses on this area on the top of the rock and around this place. One of the buildings will be placed on the top of the rock where guest can have breakfast, lunch or dinner where people can enjoy the view and sound of the nature like the river downstairs. It is also possible to have a walk around and do your own barbeques as a guest. Or just enjoy your tea or coffee on the top of the rock.
There will be other common areas for bigger events like dinner or other events in the Ramadan or for meetings with private guests. The brief is open for development and we will work on it together.
The site is on preparation and planned to be ready at the end of March. Arzu Senel Architecture is going to develop this area and start the designproces.